Mixing mode

Brand colors

Colors in our database are measured masstones of real-life art materials. You can see their pigment information and technical data under (info on measuring device, measured and calculated color data, spectral curve when available) or you can visit their individual "Color page" by clicking their name.

We use these color data converted or mapped to sRGB values as input.

Color mixer

Our Color mixer and Color chart mixer uses Mixbox (licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0) for color mixing.

Mixbox utilizes the Kubelka-Munk theory to introduce paint-like behavior to digital color mixing and treats all sRGB colors as paint colors resulting from primary mixing (its initial primaries being GOLDEN Artist acrylic paints Phthalo Blue PB15:4, Quinacridone Magenta PR122, Hansa Yellow PY73, Titanium White PW6).

This is why it can give the impression of real paint behavior but it cannot regard individual pigment and art material properties.

Mixing mode

Spectral.js is another K-M based color mixer library which you can choose as your alternative mixing method for your color blends.

Mixing path

You can see your color blend on the color plane(s) also as a mixing path between the two colors used for color mixing.

Interested in Kubelka-Munk and color prediction?

Case study of an application of K-M to a limited palette by Daniel W. Dichter

Mathematical methods to characterize any palette of primary paints and decompose any digital color into an analog paint mix recipe, using Kubelka-Munk theory, Schmid color charts, and visible-light spectroscopy

For available color matching and mixing tools check out Zsolt M. Kovács-Vajna's Color Mixing Tools, Paintmaker (web version).

Colors are out of sRGB gamut. For sRGB mixing, original colors are clamped to sRGB. The out of gamut base/second color is marked with an empty circle on the 2D planes.

Tip: Click on a mixed color to send to your palette

Mixing path & history

* Spectral curves are not available for Mixbox

Your mixing history. The history is not saved, once you leave the page, it's gone.

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Use art material colors for digital color mixing based on the Kubelka-Munk theory (Mixbox, Spectral.js)

Colors are out of sRGB gamut. For sRGB mixing, original colors are clamped to sRGB. The out of gamut base/second color is marked with an empty circle on the 2D planes.