`horadam new 2023`

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Basic search

You can give one or more words to search for in color names, brand names, companies and pigment names. Pigment codes like "PB15" or "pb15" will give you results for pigments, and colors containing the pigment(s).

The more specific is your search term, the more specific results you will get.

(Results must contain all the words you give as a search term.)

Advanced search - using filters

On the search results page, you will find panels with various filtering options to refine your search.

You can modify your search term any time, while keeping your filtering options.

You can remove filters or your search term (shown as labels), and choose new ones.

You can use the panels to read as "Statistics" for the most frequent instances.

Search term "specials"

Search results you can obtain by using specific search terms:

Discontinued - if you want to search for discontinued colors, include "discontinued" in your search, eg. "discontinued lilac"

Convenience mixtures - searching for multiple pigment codes will give you multi-pigment colors, like "pb15 pg7" or "pb15 pb29 pw6"

Color name + pigment - combining color names with pigment codes will give you colors with that word / those words in their names, containing that pigment, eg. "PV19 grey"

Note that our search engine does not recognize different spellings as the same, like color and colour, gray and grey.