11290 Sugar Dolomite

Kremer Pigmente [Dry] Pigments

Kremer Pigmente [Dry] Pigments (see all 351 pigments)
Other name(s)
Zuckerdolomit (de)
Kremer Pigmente (7 products)
Dry pigment
PW 18:1.77220:1, 77713:1
Pigment particle size
≈ 0–120 µm
From the Swiss Alps. Sugar Dolomite consists of small, pure white crystals.
Description from the manufacturer
In the Binn Valley in the Swiss Alps lies one of the world's purest deposits of dolomite, calcium-magnesium carbonate. The purity is so pronounced that single crystals up to the cm range can be found there. The pure white small crystals look like caster sugar. In some places the occurrence is gray colored, which by the pronounced crystal surfaces the production of an almost luminous gray pigment.
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