What can you find here? Basic information (general, chemical) on a colorant and a grouped collection of links for your research. Also some dry pigment properties when available and safety information.
See also Single pigment art material properties

Dry pigment properties PR102

Swipe table below (only columns with available data are shown)
Avg. Particle Size Oil Absorption Density /
Specific Gravity
Hardness pH
Art material database
≈ 2 µm 15 g linseed oil / 100 g
≈ 2 µm 20 g linseed oil / 100 g
≈ 2 µm 15 g linseed oil / 100 g
≈ 2 µm 15 g linseed oil / 100 g
≈ 2 µm 15 g linseed oil / 100 g
≈ 2 µm 15 g linseed oil / 100 g
≈ 2 µm 20 g linseed oil / 100 g
≈ 2 µm 20 g linseed oil / 100 g
≈ 2 µm 15 g linseed oil / 100 g
≈ 2 µm 15 g linseed oil / 100 g
≈ 2 µm 15 g linseed oil / 100 g
≈ 2 µm 15 g linseed oil / 100 g
≈ 1.0 µm
≈ 1.0 µm
≈ <120 µm
≈ 8 µm 24 g oil / 100 g 2.7 g/cm3 4
≈ 8 µm (<0–15 μ: 80–85%) 24 g oil / 100 g 2.7 g/cm3
≈ 0–15 µm: 80–85% 35 g oil / 100 g 8.5
Natural Pigments Pigment
453-16 Red Barite
≈ 10 µm (<0–15 µm: 80–85%) 24 g oil / 100 g 4.3 g/cm3 3
Dry pigment properties are specific to individual pigment products. Values are not representative of the pigment itself or other art products containing the pigment. Check your product data sheet for relevant values.
See also full list of available dry pigment data for particle size, oil absorption, or density / specific gravity.

Health & Safety Information

No current health & safety warnings
For informational purposes only. Toxicity can depend on the individual product, the exact chemical composition, the used binder, and many other factors. Always check your product's safety data sheet, and follow the basic studio hygenie practices, especially when handling dry pigments.
Sources and references
  1. Hematite (Fe2O3) European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
Updated at October 06, 2023 from Pubchem and dry pigment product safety data sheets.
Hazard Statements
  • Not Classified
  • Reported as not meeting GHS hazard criteria by 385 of 388 companies
Data is aggregated from multiple sources prioritizing the most stringent hazard statements. Individual products may have different attributes. Always read the product's safety data sheet.
Ingestion Hazard
no significant acute toxicity SJ
Inhalation Hazard
no significant acute toxicity SJ
Skin Contact Hazard
no significant acute toxicity SJ
Toxicity information
Long-term hazards unknown SJ, Repeated or prolonged inhalation of mineral powders may cause respiratory problems; Hazards associated with iron, aluminum and magnesium CW

Chemical descriptors

Canonical Smiles
Basic molecular Formula / primary chemistry
may contain traces of Cr2O3 / FeO / Mn2O3 / NiO
Molecular Structure
Generated with RDKit.


Used together with

Click for search results with PR102 used together with other pigments in convenience mixtures (multi-pigment paints) or other art materials in our database.
Tip: You can also search for combinations by entering two or more pigment codes directly in the "Search" box.